Thursday, June 16, 2011

What I Wanted...

My long sand-colored hair whips in the wind. I giggle as I try to remove the hair from my mouth and my eyes. I turn and turn in circles, feeling the grass blades between my bare toes. My white cotton dress fluffs up like a tent. I can feel the welcoming cool breeze on my legs. I wipe a drip of sweat off of my brow. Circles and circles. I don't ever want to stop. I put my arms out and let them fly in a circular pattern.

The birds are very noisy and I listen to their lovely melody. They remind me that I am not alone. A squirrel quickly climbs a nearby tree.

I look over at the big oak tree. I wonder if I would be able to climb it. I decide that I don't want to feel the roughness of the bark on my feet. Instead I rest my dizzy head on my arms and I lay in the cool grass. I can't stop moving, so I swing my legs back and forth. I am happy to be alone with the animals. Their innocence soothes my mind and the quiet soothes my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, great that you are writing again. Love you.

