Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Awe Of Him

Due to some health problems that I've had for around eight years, I had a hysterectomy two weeks ago. The surgery went well. I am so thankful for that. The recovery, on the other hand, has been a lot harder than I expected it would be. During the painful and long days, the Lord has remained faithful. I wrote this for Him:

The days are long, Oh Lord. The nights are even longer. The pain in my body takes my breath away. I feel so very tired and weak. At night, the loneliness envelops me. I cry out to you, my Father, and you hear me.

My body aches, but I know that means you are bringing healing. The space in my days is often empty, which means there is more time to spend with you. I talk to you and share the ups and downs of my days. I read your Word and it comforts me. The Bible reminds me that you will never leave me alone. Your presence is powerful. I know your arms are around me as I try to fall into a peaceful slumber.

What would I do without you, Lord? I would have no hope for a better tomorrow. Without you, I would not know the comfort of a father. Life without your gentle hand guiding me would be a rough path. I would not be in awe of you every time that I saw a rainbow or a newborn baby. A day spent in the beauty of all you created would be "just another day." I cannot imagine a life like that.

Thank you, Father, for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for listening to me whine on the hard days and rejoicing with me on the wonderful days. You are the constant in my life that I was always searching for. I am so glad that I found you.

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